do you
have any
The mendicant lifted his arms, hands wielding his mortar and his pestle, flanked by his serpent and his eagle, his voice rang out from the cusp of a storm cloud:
Behold, partakers of Campbells' horrible soup! The frost has taken every last fruit. Kale and brussel sprouts stand alone in the empty fields. Yes, they are frozen. Yes, they are fine with that. You, who have wasted your spring, summer, and fall eating California microgreens, rotting California strawberries, Vidalia onions from the State of Georgia, corn the product of Ohio, potatoes from Iowa, melons and scallions from Mexico: yes, you, oblivious fool to the seasons, consuming death while your wealth spoiled in the fields! How did you become this way?
Idiots, content with the sub-par job others will do for you. Afraid of work. Worst of all creatures: when the sun idles about the sky in the peak of summer, and your neighbor picks plump, ripe tomatoes from the vine you say: "Someone in Italy will dry my tomatoes." Cucumbers writhing about, growing greater in size everyday, and you rush not to make your pickles. What is left for you? You, who with your own hands could simply craft what is good when it is good into a delicious preserve, will spend enormous amounts on a soft, factory dill pickle.
Can a judge condemn a person ignorant of their own crime? Does the blood not speak from the knife? What skills may have been mastered by your great grandparents, what may have been responsible for carrying forward your own pitiful line, appear to you like an ancient language, incomprehensible to the eye, unspeakable to the tongue. You are spoiled by the supermarket, by the high-ceilings, the long aisles peopled by products from a colourful oligopoly. You buy a stalk of brussel sprouts, now, in the dawn of December, for $6.99 imported from Salinas, California, and bat not an eye. You are warped from your climate of falsehoods.
Morons! Horribly lost, you panic that Sriracha may be in short supply, not knowing how simple it is to make a better sauce.You see nothing clearly. Can you identify a single tree? Have you ever foraged in a spring-time bog? Eaten the mustard that lines the ditches?
I caution, for the time is changing, and the ways of old will return on the heels of great catastrophe, not to treat the seasons as a vessel for your leisure. They have existed before you, and by their hands, you could be smitten like a road-side possum. Turn your back to the false gods of Kellogs, Post, Campbells, Nestle; turn your back to the importers of the fruits of your backyard, grow weary of fog of your consumerism. Bait the yeast! Befriend helpful bacteria of beneficent fermentation! Read the seasons, wisely choose local fruits and vegetables, and most of all, be ready! The longest winter stretches forth from this moment. Will it breed a Mensch stronger and wiser than the incumbent sleepwalkers? A Mensch unable to pass a field of thyme and mint in ignorance? A Mensch closer to nature and her dithyrambic chorus? Or will they answer only to Catastrophe and her redolent phalanx?
Thus spake Preparathustra.
Sounds like the odes of Confoodius.